Almost 35,000 specialists and executives from 100 nations visited Formnext 2019 in Frankfurt. Formnext is an international trade fair for additive manufacturing, which took place from 19 to 22 November 2019 in Frankfurt am Main.
The organiser, Mesago Messe GmbH, reported strong growth in exhibitor numbers (630 - 2018, 850 - 2019) and visitor numbers (27,000 - 2018, 35,000 - 2019). The enormous growth of Formnext meant that the company had to move into the architectural, modern and sophisticated exhibition halls 11-12. Exhibition halls 11-12 have an exhibition area of approx. 53,000 square metres, which was fully utilised.
XJet, Xerox, Voxeljet, Trumpf, Stratasys, SLM Solutions, Sisma, Siemens, Ricoh, Renishaw, Prodways, Matsuura, Materialise, Markforged, Keyence, HP, GE Additive, Formlabs, Farsoon, ExOne, Eos, Envisiontec, DMG Mori, Deskto Metal, 3D Systems, Additive Industries, Addup, Arburg, Bigrep and many other companies presented advanced solutions and efficient new manufacturing technologies for integrated industrial use. In addition, established companies such as BASF, Cubicure, Dyemansion Incus, Evonik, Sigma Labs, LMI and young companies presented world firsts along the entire process chain like new 3D printable filaments.
We also visited the Formnext 2019 in Frankfurt with enthusiasm:
Exciting discussions were held and interesting impressions collected.
In addition, we also offer you the production option of 3D printing. If you require individual 3D-printed components, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to make you an offer!
Email: Phone: 04435/9710254
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