Swiss Plastics Expo 2020: 4,100 visitors - Sustainability in focus - Premiere for "Swiss Plastics Expo"

14.03.2020 11:03

The sixth Swiss Plastics Expo united the entire value chain of the Swiss plastics industry under one roof. It thus offered 
the opportunity to find out about integrated solutions for sustainable, sophisticated and efficient production. Use this 
more than 4,000 visitors from different application areas.

Despite the slight drop in the number of visitors compared to 2017, René Ziswiler, Exhibition Director, is satisfied: "We have succeeded in linking the various sales markets with the plastics industry. With the 260 exhibitors, the Innovation Symposium and the first ever networking event, the Swiss Plastics Expo has become a place for inspiration, knowledge and exchange, he said. 

Sustainability has mobilized
The trade fair theme of "sustainability" also contributed to the success of the Swiss Plastics Expo. On topics such as bioplastics, plastics recycling or microplastics, the exhibitors showed which solutions they have already implemented and where the journey is heading. We wanted to use the Swiss Plastics Expo to provide orientation, offer room for discussion and demonstrate new findings and solutions", explains René Ziswiler, and according to exhibitor Patrick Semademi, Vice President of, this goal was achieved: "We were able to welcome numerous sustainability managers from the Swiss economy to our stand. This shows that the Swiss Plastics Expo has recognized the great need". René Zisweiler, too, draws a positive balance on the theme of the fair: "I am convinced that we were able to initiate projects and give important topics the necessary impetus".

The presentation of the Swiss Plastics Expo Award 
The first Swiss Plastics Expo Award was launched at this year's plastics exhibition. Sustainable and future-oriented products were honoured in the categories, Engineering, Business, Sustainability and Public Favorite. A five-member jury honoured the best solutions from among the exhibitors' 151 showcases. "The winners illustrate the diversity and innovative strength of the Swiss plastics industry," summarizes René Ziswiler.

Swiss Plastics Expo serves as a training venue
The fair also focused on individual further training. The Innovation Symposium was extended to two stages for the first time and included over 100 presentations. "The variety of topics was unique and we succeeded in providing a realistic view of practical applications," replies René Ziswiler. The direct transfer of knowledge in the form of short keynote speeches was very well received by the audience. The Innovation Symposium was accordingly well attended.

The following companies and institutes received the Swiss Plastics Expo Award:

Category Sustainability
Tide Ocean SA + IWK Institut für Werkstofftechnik und Kunststoffverarbeitung - How ocean plastics become sustainable products / Marine waste becomes parts for the watch industry

Engineering category
Zühlke Engineering AG: Chairless Chair / Noonee - A chair that never gets in the way

Category Business
Injex - Injection Molding Overnight: silicone injection molding prototypes for hearing aids in three days

Category Public Favorite 
Nägeli Swiss AG - Lightweight chock for aviation

Change to the 2-year cycle
The next Swiss Plastics Expo will take place from 25 to 27 January 2022.

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